Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 101 (2014)
NEALT Proceedings Series 21 (2014)
Published: 2014-06-24
ISBN: 978-91-7519-266-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Number of pages: 81
1 Contributions of different modalities to the attribution of affective-epistemic states
2 Investigating Non-Verbal Behaviors Conveying Interpersonal Stances
3 Exploring Sounded and Silent Laughter in Multiparty Task-based and Social Interaction - Audio; Video and Biometric Signals
4 Eye-trackers and Multimodal Communication Studies
5 Classifying the form of iconic hand gestures from the linguistic categorization of co-occurring verbs
6 Verbal and gestural representation of the space-time relation in multimodal communication
7 Overlaps in Maltese Conversational and Task-Oriented Dialogues
8 Cognitive Processes and Multimodal Communication in the Parody of Politicians
9 Up; down; in and out: Following the Path in speech and gesture in Danish and Italian