Welcome to the ETAI!

The Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) has pioneered a new view of how scientific results may be communicated. Traditional scientific journals are organized to fit the paper-and-print technology; ETAI is organized to make the best use of Internet technology, in particular by using a new and different peer-review system. Please click the menu item for "How ETAI works" for more information.

History of activity

The ETAI was quite active during the years 1997 to 2000, and tapered off during 2001 and 2002. In recent years there has been a renewed interest in the ETAI publication scheme, and we are presently (2006) considering ways of reviving the journal. For the time being, the present website serves as an archive of articles that have been published in the ETAI as well as the discussion surrounding these articles. In addition it serves as a reference for information abou the ETAI publication scheme.

The last Volume of ETAI was publish in 2001.