Conference article

Deutsches Historisches Museum Rethinking German History Against the Background of a Burdened Past and New Challenges for the 21st Century

Rosmarie Beier-de Haan
Director of collections and exhibition curator at the German Historical Museum, Berlin, and Honorary Professor of Modern History at the Freie Universität Berlin and at the Technische Universität Berlin

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Published in: Entering the Minefields: The Creation of New History Museums in Europe: Conference Proceedings from EuNaMus; European National Museums: Identity Politics; the Uses of the Past; and the European Citizen; Brussels 25 January 2012

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 83:9, p. 55-70

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Published: 2013-02-11


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


This article reflects on the historical context of the foundation of the German Historical Museum in 1987 and analyses the museum’s general approach and its functions against the background of a changing national discussion over the last 25 years. In doing so; the article focuses on the museum’s multiple activities; its Permanent Exhibition and on specific examples of thematic exhibitions; chosen from the wide range of more than two hundred exhibitions that the German Historical Museum has presented since its foundation. In the final part; ‘Conclusion and Outlook’; the German Historical Museum is analyzed as an international point of interest; a reference model for new projects of national museums of history and a study in feasibility. Four principles are defined as constitutive for national museums of history in the 21st century: to meet international scientific criteria and standards of historiography and the representation of history; to open perspectives; by demanding the respect to human rights; to contribute to the conciliation of nations and – finally – to allow visitors to ask questions and to encourage them to rethink their own views and judgements.


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