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European Commission European Research Area & Seventh Framework Programme. Funded under Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities

Eunamus Final Conference:



the Cultural Force of National Museums



Friday 14 December 2012


Central European University Budapest


Eunamus addresses how the national museum can best aid European cohesion and confront the social issues which test European stability and unity. Findings indicate that the national museum plays a vital role in stabilizing and balancing competing interests within both emerging and established political communities. Museums negotiate political claims for national unity at the same time as they showcase Europe’s national, cultural, and ethnic diversity. They are born out of societal change and constantly adapt to alterations in political communities.

This conference brings together policy makers at all levels, museum professionals and Eunamus researchers to discuss cross-cutting implications emerging out of this three-year multi-disciplinary transnational project. Its four slots are stimulated by the pre-conference Eunamus report, National Museums Making Histories in a Diverse Europe, available from this link.

9.30 Introduction Peter Aronsson, Eunamus

9.45 National museums need to be autonomous creative institutions
Susanna Pettersson, Director of Alvar Aalto Museo, Finland
Merike Lang, Director of the Estonian Open-Air Museum, Estonia
Simon Knell, Eunamus

10.30 National museums need to overcome national constraints
Anastasia Lazaridou, Director of the Byzantine and Christian Museums, Hel­lenic Ministry of Culture, Greece
Peter Assmann, Director of Landesmuseum Austria, Network of European Museums, Austria
Dominique Poulot, Eunamus

11.15 Refreshments

12.00 National museums can act as a forum for contested issues
Péter Inkei, Director of the Budapest Observatory, Hungary
Luís Raposo, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia Portugal, President of ICOM Portugal, Board of ICOM Europe, Portugal
Arne Bugge Amundsen, Eunamus

12.45 National museums need to reach new audiences
David Anderson, Director General of the National Museum of Wales, UK
Alexandra Kalogirou Directorate General for Education and Culture, Culture Policy Unit
Alexandra Andrea Witcomb, Alfred Deakin Research Institute, Australia
Alexandra Bounia, Eunamus

13.30 Wrap up Peter Aronsson, Eunamus

14.00 Conference ends

Chair: Helene Larsson, Head of Communication and Exhibitions at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm. Between 2009-2012 she worked as the Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade, Serbia, dealing with culture and arts as well as museum development, contemporary collecting, education and use of history.

To register, please email: registration_eunamus_bp@pasts.ceu.hu

The final conference follows after the conference National Museums in a Changing Europe 12-13 December. For more information, please follow this link.


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reflect the views of the European Commission. Header image: The Schievelbeinfries is reproduced with kind permission of The Neues Museum, Berlin.Web site content: Bodil Axelsson