
Om Nietzsches aforistiska och experimentella religionskritik

Mattias Martinson
Uppsala universitet, Sweden

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Ingår i: NORLIT 2009

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 42:22, s. 271-286

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Publicerad: 2010-04-27


ISSN: 1650-3740 (tryckt), 1650-3686 (online)


Nietzsche’s outright hatred of Christianity and theology is well known. He confessed to an instinctive atheism (Ecce Homo) and rejected theological hermeneutics as the prime example of ”bad philology” (The Antichrist). This has not prevented theologians from a thorough con-versation with Nietzsche on various issues; in a manner that often has been more receptive than polemical. Behind this curiosity one can perhaps find some form of generally acknowl-edged – although seldom expressed – distinction between Nietzsche’s somewhat unbalanced critique of religion and his more general proto-postmodernism; which has been understood as immensely important for the theological debate on the present situation. In this paper I discuss the dynamics of Nietzsches critique of religion; related to his experimental form and aphoris-tic style. I relate this to some of Theodor W. Adorno’s writings on literary form.


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