How to acknowledge
Eunamus in publications
We have developed several different standard formulations to be customized by individual users. Please use the suggested standard formulations in the beginning and then add personal acknowledgements within or outside the project. Each partner put their institution’s details in instead of the xxxxx below.
When we publish books out of EuNaMus research it is very important that we acknowledge our funders. Please follow the example given here and the guidelines for use of FP7 logos.
Do remember to include the following disclaimer:
This book (report/study/article/publication, etc.) has been published thanks to the support of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research - Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities theme (contract nr ... - project ...). The information and views set out in this book (report/study/article/publication, etc.) are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
Eunamus Plus
This research is part of the EuNaMus project, (European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen) a three year project (2010 – 13) funded by the EU Seventh Framework programme in which the department of XXXXXXXXXXXX, University of XXXXXXXX is a partner.
For those researchers that are not members of partner institutions but paid by an Eunamus partner to do specific work for the project, we suggest adding something like:
This research is part of the EuNaMus project, (European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen) a three year project (2010 – 13) funded by the EU Seventh Framework programme, originally commissioned by (name of institution), a partner in the project
Eunamus Extra
This research was facilitated by EuNaMus, (European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen) a three year project (2010 – 13) funded by the EU Seventh Framework programme, in which the Department of XXXXXXXX, University of XXXXXXX is a partner.
For those researchers that are not members of partner institutions but paid by an Eunamus partner to do specific work for the projectof, we suggest adding something like:
This research was facilitated by EuNaMus, (European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen) a three year project (2010 – 13) funded by the EU Seventh Framework programme, originally commissioned by (name of institution), a partner in the project