News archive
Europæiske nationalmuseer er i forvandling
Click here to listen to an item on Denmark's public service radio (DR)
Þjóðarsöfn: Menningarleg stjórnarskrá by Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson
Click here to read the article in the Icelandic newspaper Frettabladid
Nationalmuseer fortfarande politiskt sprängstoff by Gunnar Bolin
Click here to listen to an item on the national Swedish radio (SR P1)
Europe’s Museums Must Strive to Represent New Realities
Click here to read a report from Eunamus conference in Budapest 13-15 December published at the Central European University´s website
Uppbrott i nationalmuseeras förlovade land by Mats Granberg
Click here to read the article in the Swedish newspaper Norrköpings Tidningar
Museum Narratives for the Twenty-First Century
5 December 2012
Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Salle Vasari, Paris
Organized by Dominique Poulot, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, HiCSA and the EuNaMus project, workgroup Uses of the past. Follow this link to read more
Eunamus at EuroMed 2012
Professor Alexandra Bounia successfully presented Eunamus at EuroMed 2012, the 4th International Conference on Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation, 1 November, Cyprus.
Swedish history museums silence the country's imperialistic past
Read Dr Per Widén in one of Swedens major newspapers by following this link.
or listen to him on Swedish international radio
Eunamus conference in Athens is an item in Archaeologia kai Technes (Archaeology and Arts). Click on this link to read the artcicle in Greek
Peter Aronsson is speaking in Newcastle 3-4 September
'What are the new dimensions of identity construction and production in museums whose physical place is fixed, but whose audiences, with their changing heritages and cultures, are not?'
This is one of the questions that the conference ‘Placing’ Europe in the Museum: people(s), places, identities' reverberates around. Eunanus coordinator Peter Aronsson gives the key note speech ‘European National Museums: Cultural Constructions at Work’.
New Publication: Museums in an Age of Migrations
This book collects a series of essays that offer a starting point for the MeLa Project. The MeLa project is a similar project as Eunamus, reflecting on the role of museums and heritage in relation to the contemporary global and multicultural world. Click on this link to read the first volume from the project.
Presenting Eunamus visitor study in Raleigh 24-28 July
Alexandra Bounia, Jocelyn Dodd and Pille Pruulmann-Wengerfeldt organised a panel at the Visitor Studies Associations annual conference Knowing Our Past, Shaping Our Future: What’s Next for Visitor Studies? in Raleigh, North Carolina July 24-28, 2012
The panel presented Eunamus visitor study at nine Euroepan national museums with an aim to forward a new understanding of visitor's experiences by taking account of visitors’ meaning making to explore the social relevance of national museums and their representations of the past.
Valgte sommerferie foran museumsdebatt
Universitetet i Oslo inviterte til debatt om politikernes makt og innflytelse over museene. Men ingen fra Kulturdepartementet eller Stortinget kunne stille. Arrangøren er skuffet.
This newspaper article in Norweigian deals with the fact that the nor politicians neither policy administrators prioritzed to attend Eunamus conference at the University of Oslo on museum policies. Read the item on this link.
Eunamus on the European Social Science History Conference
Glasgow 11-14 April 2012
Eunamus organizes a panel to present and discuss results from four subprojects, adding relevant research on museums in cultural diplomacy, while at the same time provide material for discussing the possibility and restrains for large scale comparative analyses of complex historical processes and cultural institutions. Click here to read more on the panel or the conference.
Peter Aronsson participate in a workshop on Research Infrastructures for Cultural Heritage and Global Change in Brussels 14 March
Dominique Poulot lectures and presents Eunamus at the Redpath Museum, McGill University 12-13 March
Ilaria Porciani presents Eunamus in Padova 24 February
Click here to read the programme
European National Museums: Making Communities and Negotiating Conflicts
25 January 2012
The Royal Museums of Art and History,
Parc du Cinquantenaire, Brussels
Picture: Martin Schaerer, Chrysoula Paliadeli, Gabriella Elgenius, Dominique Poulot and Peter Aronsson at Eunamus conference in Brussels 25th January 2012.
Panels on the policy relevance of Eunamus' research and the creation of new history museums. The event is open to museum professionals, students, policy makers, researchers and citizens.
Click here for a press summary and blog
National museums and the negotiation of difficult pasts
26-27 January 2012
Université Libre de Bruxelles
This conference aims to take a transnational and comparative perspective on the conflicts that national museums have dealt with as holders of contested objects and as places where disputed or difficult pasts are displayed.
Organised by Eunamus and Prof. Dominique Poulot, Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Click here for programme
Eunamus on the radio: Listen to Professor Dominique Poulot on "France Culture" in a discussion on changing patterns for national museums in Europe: Click here to liston to La fin du musée à l'occidentale?
Recently published: Dominique Poulot in the Portuguese periodical Clic here to read Les Musées nationaux et les usages du passé
Conference: Great historical narratives in Europe’s national museums
Paris 25-26 November 2011
Since their inception, National museums have been key to establishing narratives of the political, military, territorial, social and economic constructions of the nation. As part of Eunamus exploration of storytelling in national museums, Professor Dominique Poulot hosted a second conference on the theme in Paris. Program and abstracts.
Professor Simon Knell gives talks in Tapei and Singapore
Read the abstract for the keynote speach at the international conference Museum 2011 in Tapei, Taiwan 16-18 November here. Professor Knell also gives a talk at the NHB academy in Singapore.
Bejing Forum 2011
Dominique Poulot speaks at the Bejing Forum 2011 on "Heritage and Museums in Contemporary France: A New Landscape", 4 November.
History, memory, dialogue in South-East Europe
Peter Aronsson is invited as expert to a workshop in Torino 5-6 October organised by the UNESCO office of Venice. Museum leaders from 12 countries met for the third time to work together on a traveling exhibition. in Torino 5-6 October for the workshop. Click here to read the blog.
ICOMAM 2011 Conference in Graz
Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert and Alexandra Bounia, "National museum of war and photography: the case of Cyprus".
Call for papers: Great historical narratives in Europe’s national museums
25-26 November 2011
Conference organised by Pr. Dominique Poulot, Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in collaboration with Eunamus – European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen.
Deadline for proposals 30 September. Read more here
Museum citizens: audience identities and experiences
During the summer Eunamus researchers were conducting a survey at national museums in nine European countries.
Our aim was to investigate visitor’s use and understanding of national identities and national museums. We wanted to know more about visitors understanding of the stories museums tell and the museums role in producing a sense of community referring to territory or ancestry. Read more on Eunamus blog.
The workshop Great Historical Narratives in European Museums (1750-2010): Building Nations, Looking across Borders and Remembering the Past
has been carried out successfully. It was organized by Eunamus and Dominique Poulot, Université Paris 1, 29 June - 1st July. The workshop considered how museum displays can be read in terms of stories and these stories relations to national and international politics as well as to academic historiography. Read more on Eunamus' blog
NEWSLETTER: eunamus newsletter #3 JUNE 2011
International Workshop:
Great Historical Narratives in European Museums (1750-2010): Building Nations, Looking across Borders and Remembering the Past
29 June – 1st July 2011
Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris
Organizer: Eunamus and Prof. Dominique Poulot, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Presentations by Eunamus authors and discussions.
Stephen Bann: “Alternative paradigms for the Historical Museum? Lenoir's Monuments français and Du Sommerard's Cluny”, University of Bristol
Daniel Sherman: "History and Absence at the Musée du Quai Branly and the Cité Nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration, Paris", (University of North Carolina)
Joachim Baur: "Staging Migration - Staging the Nation? Exhibiting Migration in Europe and overseas", independent curator, Die Exponauten, Berlin
Denis Peschanski "Between Individual Memory and Social Memory: two transdisciplinary Works in Progress" (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)
Current Trends and Issues in European Museum
Research Norrköping 15-17 June 2011
In collaboration with researhers at three major national musuems in Sweden, Bodil Axelsson and Peter Aronsson organised a two a four sessions at the conference Current Issues in European Cultural Studies, Norrköping, 15-17 June, 2011.
Session chairs: Bodil Axelsson, Peter Aronsson, Lotten Gustafsson Reinius, Eva Silvén
and Fredrik Svanberg
Several papers are published in the conference proceedings. Items 062:018 - 062:030.
Read reports from the sessions at Fredrik Svanberg's and Eunamus' resepective blogs.
Representing Recent History: Museums of Communism in post-1989 Eastern Europe
Workshop organised by Eunamus partner Central European University, History Department and Open Society Archives. Budapest 13-14 May 2011. Read more on Eunamus blog and on the workshop's webpage.
Institutional Entrepreneurs of a Difficult Past: The Construction of Post-Soviet Knowledge Regimes at the Jewish Museum and the Museum of Victims of Genocide in Vilnius
Egle Rindzeviciute is invited to present a paper at Centre for European Studies, Lund University, kl.12.00, 11 Maj 2011
Eunamus at the the 10th congress of the Societé Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) – Ways of Feeling the World.
Lisbon, April
Kristin Kuutma gave a paper on the knowledge production around national museums and project coordinator Peter Aronsson gave the key note speach: “Shaping lives – negotiating and narrating memories”.
The conference Building National Museums in Europe 1750-2010 Bologna, 30 March - 1 April
has been carried out successfully. The conference was organised by Eunamus and the University of Bologna. It drew on more than thirty national reports exploring the museum-making process in European states. Read more on Eunamus' blog or on the conference's webpage.The outcomes will be available later this year.
9 March, Rome
Eunamus project coordinator Peter Aronsson gives a talk at the event Reinterpreting Europe’s cultural heritage: towards the 21st century library and museum? This event is the opening of the EU FP7 funded project: MeLA – European Museums and Libraries in/of the Age of Migrations.
21 February, Columbia University, the Department of Art History and Archaeology
Professor Dominique Poulot gives the lecture, "Negotiating the Cosmopolitanism of Art: Quatremère de Quincy's Letters about Museums and Politics at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century
1 February
Unfolding Eunamus: opening of Eunamus blog
The first birthday of this three-year research project is celebrated with the opening of the blog Unfolding Eunamus. Read more about the aim of the blog, the project coordinators words on what Eunamus has accomplished so far and what will happen next here.
10 January
Lithuanian Embassy in London
British-Lithuanian Society introduces a special issue of the academic journal Central Europe on Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Eunamus' researcher Egle Rindzeviciute presents her article on the latest national museum in Lithuania, the Palace of Sovereigns - the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius. The article compares the rebuilding of the medieval castle of Trakai during the Soviet era and the rebuilding of the Renaissance Palace of Sovereigns during the post-Soviet era.
The concept of Norden and its representations
Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural research has published a new thematic section entitled “Uses of the Past: Nordic Historic Cultures in a Comparative Perspective”, edited by Peter Aronsson.
The representation of Nordic cultures has a historical reputation that stretches from the Vikings and the Thirty Years’ War to the idea of a modern Nordic welfare state. It has never been exactly clear what to incorporate in the Nordic cultural sphere or how to handle unity and difference to reconstruct and renegotiate national identity. This ambivalence has been productive and transported images and values across borders and spheres.
This thematic section explores these images by highlighting Nordic experiences of uses of the past in a European and international context. Ten articles on subjects such as the performance of Scandinavian heritage in the US, the cultural heritage of the Cold war and museum building and regional and national identity give a rich and diverse perspective on the local and global use of Nordic History.
Professor Simon Knell is Routledge's Author of the Month, December 2010
"Museums for social harmony "
22nd General Conference & 25th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Shanghai, 7-13 November
Eunamus coordinator Peter Aronsson has generously been allotted a slot to present the project at the general assembly of the advisory committee, where alla countries and networks of ICOM are represented. Two other partners in Eunamus, Alexandra Bounia and Ilaria Porciani are also present at the conference.
Eunamus presence in Shanghai is part of the project's extensive program for dialoguing with museum professionals and other relevant stakeholders such as policy makers on national and European levels. To increase the relevance of our results, we engage in discussions with beneficiaries of the research and try to stay informed on what’s on in relevant contexts.
Eunamus at Brown Bag seminar
October 20, the University of Leicester.
Andy Sawyer, Sheila Watson and Alexandra Bounia presented Eunamus at a Brown Bag seminar at the School of Museum Studies, the University of Leicester. Read more on the Attic, the virtual home of the School of Museum Studies' research students.
National museums and contemporary challenges
October 4-6, Rio de Janerio
At this international seminar, Professor Dominique Poulot, one of the principal researchers in Eunamus, will give the talk: On the birth of national museums.
Museums, national identity and hegemonic memory August 22-28, Amsterdam
At the 21st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES a panel led by professor Chris Lorenz will discuss National Identity and Hegemonic Memory.
Eunamus' coordinator Peter Aronsson will contribute with a paper on the dynamics of national museums in this context. The special contribution of museums will be profiled and compared with how national historiography, government commissions and other forms of negotiating national identities and memory works, with examples from around the world.
Framing Uses of the Past. Nations Disciplines and Institutions Narrating an Expanding Concept of History, June 20-22, Copenhagen University
Peter Aronsson presents Eunamus at the workshop: Cracks in the European Project. Quests for Heritage and the New Uses of History, Religion and (Trans)National Identities.
"Making the past the future: Europe, history and national museums", Taipei, 17-19 May
Simon Knell will be giving a keynote address on Eunamus entitled 'Making the past the future: Europe, history and national museums' at The Museum 2010: An international conference exploring the value, purposes and priorities of museums at the start of the 21st Century, Taipei, Taiwan, 17-19 May 2010.
Eunamus opening workshop: 'Mapping and framing institutions 1750-2008'. Nationalmuseum Stockholm
28-30 April 2010
Eunamus' first workshop explores the various paradigms that shaped national museums and the connections that resulted in the spread of their particular forms. Programme
Eunamus formal opening Nationalmuseum, Stockholm Wednesday April 28 14-16
The formal opening of Eunamus is open to the public and organized in collaboration with Nationalmuseum. Key-note speaker: Stephan Berger, Manchester University. Poster
Explaining National Museums, Ghent April 13-16
Professor Peter Aronsson, Linköping university, presents Eunamus at the 8th European Social Science History Conference, Ghent, April 13-16