Eunamus included a series of conferences and workshops...
These conferences were not only aimed at presenting findings and conclusions, they were integrated into the research process so as to generate results. Reports and recordings from workshops and conferences are available at outcomes.
National Museums in a Changing Europe
Budapest 12-13 December 2012
This conference brought together researchers studying national museums and professionals responsible for taking these institutions forwards. It considered the past and present, but with the aim of debating the future, considering holistically the role of the national museum in the context of change.
Follow this link for the programme
Included in this conference is
Eunamus Final conference:
the Cultural Force of National Museums
Budapest 14 December 2012
This panel brought together policy makers at all levels, museum professionals and Eunamus researchers to discuss five cross-cutting propositions emerging out of this three-year multi-disciplinary transnational project. Click here to read the report from the conference
International workshop:
Museum Narratives for the Twenty-First Century
5 December 2012
Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Salle Vasari, Paris
Organized by Dominique Poulot, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, HiCSA and the EuNaMus project, workgroup Uses of the past. Follow this link to read more
Museum Policies in Europe between 1990 and 2010: Negotiating Political and Professional Utopia
Oslo 27-29 June 2012
In a Europe realizing the impact of globalization and human mass migration, the role of the national museums is put to debate. Studies from five different countries on how nations (and EU) develop policy in order to deploy national museums in redefinition of the nation state was presented at this conference. Museologists and cultural politicians were invited to meet and debate a matter deeply important to everybody concerned with cultural identity uses.
Click here for more information and registration and here for the conference flyer including full programme
Workshops in Athens 23 - 27 April 2012
Organisers: Simon Knell and Alexandra Bounia
Open lectures in Athens 25 April 2012
Click here to read programme in English or here for a version in Greek
European National Museums: Making Communities and Negotiating Conflicts
25 January 2012
The Royal Museums of Art and History,
Parc du Cinquantenaire, Brussels
Panels on the policy relevance of Eunamus' research and the creation of new history museums. The event was open to museum professionals, students, policy makers, researchers and citizens.
Click here for a press introduction _____________________________________________________
National museums and the negotiation of
difficult pasts
26-27 January 2012
Université Libre de Bruxelles
This conference took a transnational and comparative perspective on the conflicts that national museums have dealt with as holders of contested objects and as places where disputed or difficult pasts are displayed.
Organised by Eunamus and Prof. Dominique Poulot, Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Great historical narratives in Europe’s national museums
Paris 25-26 November 2011
Since their inception, National museums have been key to establishing narratives of the political, military, territorial, social and economic constructions of the nation. As part of Eunamus exploration of storytelling in national museums, Professor Dominique Poulot hosted a conference on the theme in Paris.
Click here for abstracts.
Great Historical Narratives in European Museums
(1750-2010): Building Nations, Looking across Borders and Remembering the Past
Paris June 29 - July 1 2011
Link to program and to Unfolding Eunamus blog from the event.
Presentations by Eunamus participants and keynote speaches.
Organised by The Department of Art History and Archaeology, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Click here for conference proceedings
Building National Museums in Europe 1750-2010
Bologna March 30 – April 1 2011
The conference was organised by Eunamus and the University of Bologna. It drew on more than thirty national reports exploring the museum-making process in European states.
Read more in the programme, on Eunamus' blog or on the conference's webpage.
Mapping and Framing National Museums 1750-2010
Stockholm April 28-30 2010
Program for the public opening of Eunamus 28 April 2010
Workshop program 29-30 April 2010
Summary of the workshop and the opening