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European Commission European Research Area & Seventh Framework Programme. Funded under Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities

Twin workshop: Athens 23-27 April 2012


Material Identities: Representing our National and European Selves in Museums



Museum Citizens: National Museums


and the European Citizen




Material culture and museum institutions in general are very important for the construction of identity and this twin conference discusses how this construction takes place.

It opens with a
research workshop 23-24 April followed by open lectures 25 April and a second research workshop 26-27 April.

Click here for full programme


Venue: Acropolis Museum, amphitheatre

European identity is here explored as a connective language utilised in acts of representation, in art museums, regional museums, and online museum-like and transnational engagements.

The workshop has three points of focus: objects and buildings as implicit representations of identity at a national and European level; the production and characterisation of national identities in regional and local museums; and a consideration of new online engagements which in their style of selection, collection, memory making, socialised negotiation and representation possess the characteristics of, and supplant the performances of, museums.


artvisitorOPEN LECTURES:

Museums, Identities and the Making of Ourselves
25 APRIL 2012

Venue: National Historical Museum of Athens

National Museums and the Making of Ourselves

Simon Knell: Negotiating our European Identities. Presentation of Eunamus Report No. 2: Crossing Borders: Connecting European Identities in Museums and Online.

Additional speakers: Kylie Message, Conal McCarthy and Gabriella Elgenius.


European Citizens, National Museums and Issues of Identity

Presentation of Eunamus' research on how visitors in national museums shape and understand their identities through their visits and through the museums. Eunamus researchers will here present data collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods in nine European museums: the National Museum of Scotland, the National Museum of Ireland, the National Museum of Estonia, the National Historical Museum in Greece, the Open-Air National Museum of Latvia, the Nordiska Museet in Sweden, the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Germany, the Museum of Catalan History in Spain and the Rikjsmuseet in the Netherlands.

Speakers: Alexandra Bounia, Maria Economou, Niki Nikonanou, and Jocelyn Dodd,

A round table discussion on the implications of visitors research for European national museums concludes the day. Participants: Peter Aronsson, Simon Knell, Kristin Kuutma, Alexandra Bounia and key note speakers.

All welcome. It is not necessary to sign up in advance. A detailed programme is published soon. For more information contact: abounia@ct.aegean.gr


Venues: Amphitheatre of the Byzantine and Christian Museum (26th)

Hellenic Committee of ICOM seminar room (27th)

Partcipants will here discuss data to further analysis on museum visitors, identity politics, the uses of the past and European citizen in national museums.

Confirmed speakers: Andromache Gazi (Lecturer in Museum Studies, Panteion University; Mary Leontsini; Dimitris Plantzos (Ass. Professor in Classical Archaeology, University of Ioannina, Greece); Manussos Marangoudakis (Associate Professor, Director of MA in European Societies and European Integration).

Photos: Simon Knell (1 & 2) and Theopisti Styliani (3)

Click here to learn more about Eunamus visitor research.

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reflect the views of the European Commission. Header image: The Schievelbeinfries is reproduced with kind permission of The Neues Museum, Berlin.Web site content: Bodil Axelsson