The Department for Historical, Anthropological and Geographical Disciplines, University of Bologna
The Department of Historical, Anthropological and Geographical disciplines is one of the largest at the University of Bologna, with its 74 professors and researchers and 16 administrative staff belonging to 5 faculties: Letters and Philosophy, Education, Economics and Business Studies, Political Science, and Foreign Languages.
Research in the Department ranges extremely widely, both chronologically (from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age) and thematically (history of religions, historical geography, archival science, history teaching, history of historiography, history of cultures and mentalities, history of cities, economic and social history, history of institutions, political doctrines, history of European and extra-European countries).
Among The Department’s many research centres, Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Culturale, which coordinates research projects undertaken by the Universities of Bologna, Padua, Venice and Pisa, is of especial interest for the Eunamus project.
The Department hosts four doctoral programmes: History and Geography of Europe. Space, Languages and Institutions in the Early Modern and Modern Ages; History and Computing; Social Science and History Studies on Religion; and the international PhD programme on Political Communication from Antiquity until the Twentieth Century.

Ilaria Porciani
Full professor of Modern and Contemporary History and History of Contemporary Historiography.
Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna
Telephone: +39 051 20 9 7660
Maria Salvati
Full professor of contemporary history
University of Bologna
Maria Salvati has been a founding member of Sissco (the national Italian association of modern and contemporary historians) and of the Sis (the national association of women historians). From 1997 to 2000 she was head of the History Department at the University of Bologna and, from 1999 to December 2006, head of the PhD Program in Modern European History. Since 2006, she is head of the Italian scientific committee of the Cursus integré franco-italien d'histoire européenne compare (University of Bologna and Université Paris7).
Francesca Sofia
Full professor for the history of political institutions
University of Bologna.
Francesca Sofia was the president of ‟Association des études sismondiennes‟. She is member of the editorial board of the Journals Società e Storia and Mondo contemporaneo – Rivista di storia. She is the chair of the M.A programme on History at the University of Bologna. She has published extensively on European culture of the 19th Century, on J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi and the Groupe de Coppet, on the history of the public administration under napoleon; jewish history in the 19th century,, and institutions in italy between fascism and the Republic.
Paolo Cappuzo
University of Bologna
Paolo Cappuzo teaches /Contemporary Italian History/ and /World History/ at the University of Bologna and /Food and industrial society/ at the universities of Bologna, Tour and Barcelona. He is co-director of the journal Studi Culturali and member of the editorial board of the Journals Contemporanea. Rivista dell'Otto e Novecento and Storicamente ( <>). He has been research fellow at the universities of Vienna, Technical University Berlin, Ulb Bruxelles and at the Centre for Urban History at the University of Leicester. His main fields of research are urban history, consumption history and cultural studies.
Simona Troilo
PhD, Research Fellow
University of Bologna
Simona Troilo's research interests involve the history of museums, the concept of heritage and its Eurocentric implications, the uses of the past in Liberal Italy. She is now working on the ideological aspects of Italian archeaology in Rhodes and Lybia from 1912 onwards. For WP2 she will contribute with a report on Italian national musems.