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Klämman Lock
< Westwards | Hulta Lock | Snövelstorp Bridge | Klämman Lock
Loddby Bridge | Vänneberga Bridge |  Eastwards >

vala023149_klamman_250.jpg (9768 bytes)Klämman Lock, built in 1826, is a levelling lock that equalises differences in the water level in Lake Asplången and the canal.

Here one can find a reconstruction of the original type of sluice gate without mechanical opening mechanisms. Instead there was a slightly bent balancing handle on the top of each sluice gate. By 1848 all sluice gates along the canal had mechanical opening mechanisms.

The Klämman Farm and the Gäfwersta Manor can be found in von Röök's canal proposal from 1774, in the southern part of the map. The proposed stretch of canal goes to the north here. In Telford's canal proposal from 1808 (below), the canal goes south of both the farm and the manor.

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Other maps of the area:
telf_III19_1808_klamman.jpg (60754 bytes) Telford's map of Klämman, 1808
turist_hulta-vanneberga.jpg (111668 bytes) General map of the stretch of canal between Hulta and Vänneberga.

(AB Göta kanal Tourist Map: Eastern Section, 1995).

Blue line = Gothenburg - Stockholm route of the Göta Canal used by the firm of shipowners Rederi AB Göta kanal.

Red line = bicycle path.