Zoja Veide
Department of Computer Aided Engineering Graphics, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Veronika Strozheva
Department of Computer Aided Engineering Graphics, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Download articlePublished in: SIGRAD 2007. The Annual SIGRAD Conference; Special Theme: Computer Graphics in Healthcare; November 28-29; 2007; Uppsala; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 28:10, p. 42–45
Published: 2007-12-20
ISBN: 978-91-7393-990-4
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
In the given article the example* of† learning management system is presented. The learning management system was used for study of compulsory subject of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics for students of extramural department of the Riga Technical University (RTU). In addition the Blackboard Learning System (BB) was used for accommodation of a teaching material. The general structure of materials placed in environment of the BB system includes: theoretical material; performance of training exercises; and performance of the tests. Results of the research presented in this paper give possibility to make conclusions on efficiency of use of the above-mentioned systems in mastering of a subject of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics. The article is a continuation of the research [Veide and Strozheva 2007]; presented at Vth Conference Geometry and graphics; and covers the period from September 2006 till June 2007.
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