Linköping University Electronic Press (LiU E-Press) is the publication host for a number of international and national scientific open access journals in several different research areas. All articles in the journals are published with a Creative Common license, and unless otherwise stated the articles are peer-reviewed..
A Swedish sholarly journal for the science and technology education profession. ATENA Didaktik accepts papers from research as well as practice. Publication language: Swedish
Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal on issues related to education and social criticism.
Culture Unbound is an academic journal for border-crossing cultural research, including cultural studies as well as other interdisciplinary and transnational currents.
De Ethica focuses on philosophical, theological and applied ethics, and is published in cooperation with the research network Societas Ethica.
ENRAC was a news journal of the inteactions taken place in ETAI area of Reasoning about Actions and Change. ENRAC was active between 1997 and 1999.
ETAI was a journal in artificial intelligence and pioneered a new view of how scientific results may be communicated. ETAI was active between 1997 and 2001.
RELA invites research articles that discuss the education and learning of adults from different academic disciplines, perspectives and traditions.
The focus of INHPH was to promote, in the broadest sense, the study of the history of collective efforts for the improvement of the health of populations from antiquity to modernity. INHPH was active between 1999 and 2016.
IJAL aims at advancing the conceptual and theoretical debates of relevance on ageing and later life research.
NJVET presents research on vocational and professional education, particularly in the Nordic countries, but also in the wider international context.
NEJLT publishes excellent research in the field of language technology and natural language processing, on all languages.
Sensorium Journal is a non-commercial, open access, electronic journal for research on materiality, aesthetics and media technology.
New journal!
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift is a Swedish-language journal aimed at those who are interested in social issues, with a special focus on social work.
SJHS was a student-based scientific journal at the Faculty of Medicine. Abstracts and articles were published based on student theses in the health sciences.
SDRJ was an international journal for design research in 2009-2017. The journal's scientifically reviewed texts were published in collaboration withStiftelsen Svensk Industridesign (SVID).
Valuation Studies is a peer review and open access journal connecting several vibrant research fields working on the study of valuation as a social practice.
Venue wants to stimulate those active in the school world and educational researchers to a qualified exchange of thought and knowledge through descriptions of experiences and research on preschool and school.