Jens Allwood
SCCIIL Center, Univ or Gothenburg, Sweden
Elisabeth Ahlsén
SCCIIL Center, Univ or Gothenburg, Sweden
Stefano Lanzini
SCCIIL Center, Univ or Gothenburg, Sweden
Ali Attaran
SCCIIL Center, Univ or Gothenburg, Sweden
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Published in: Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016), Copenhagen, 29-30 September 2016
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 141:13, p. 94-101
Published: 2017-09-21
ISBN: 978-91-7685-423-5
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Youtube video health information about overweight and obesity, was analyzed in two different countries – Sweden and Malaysia. The videos were analyzed by using Activity based Communication Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis and Rhetorical Analysis, pointing to possible cultural differences in rhetorical approach. The use of multimodality was in focus in the analysis. Considerable differences in the use of spoken and written words, pictures, animations, colour, music and other sounds were found between Swedish videos which tended to rely more on spoken words from experts and on logos, while Malaysian videos tended to rely heavily on animations, vivid colours, music and other sounds and appeal to pathos. In both countries, ethos is important, but conveyed in somewhat different ways. The length of the videos differ considerably, with Malaysian videos being very short and Swedish videos quite long.
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