Juozas Ruzevicius
Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management
Dalius Serafinas
Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management
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Published in: 10th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organiqatinal Development. Our Dreams of Excellence; 18-20 June; 2007 in Helsingborg; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 26:79, p.
Published: 2008-02-15
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The ideas of socially responsible business are spreading globally; including Lithuania as well. Increasing number of organizations that declare and follow the principles of social responsibility in the context of sustainable development. There are a number of factors that influence organizations to form informal social-economic contract between organization and its stakeholders developing “corporate life” (A guide…; 2000; Ruzevicius; 2007).
Organizations are joining into the global corporate social responsibility (CSR) networks; implement the concept of CSR into the business practice. The forms of CSR varies from abstractly declared to standardized worldwide (Global…; 2002; Ruzevicius; 2007). Organizations’ dialog with local; as well as international society is being guaranteed by voluntary implemented management standards and initiatives. In order to guaranty the durable partnership between the companies all around the world and the stakeholders concerned about the transparency of the businesses’ results.
Scientific problem and novelty. There are insufficient scientific research projects; findings and recommendations for organizations concerning specifics; benefits and links between social responsibility systems and other management systems used in organizations. Implementation of SA 8000 (Social Accountability) standard at “Utenos Trikotazas” AB; and joining to the Global Compact process is the first practical case in Lithuania. The conclusions of related experience; methodology; relations between other management systems; impact of Global Compact criteria to existing system; facilitating and constraining factors makes the essence of scientific novelty of this research.
The main purpose of this article is to initiate the peculiarities of the content and practice of socially responsible businesses’ worldwide and in Lithuania; as well as to determine the national companies’ evaluation of the socially responsible business development and its main benefits. Methodology – this work was created using the methods of comparison analysis company’s CSR documents; Global Compact documents; scientific and legal literature; organizations’ research and audit; casestudy analysis; structured interviews and statistical analysis.