Nagasawa Shin’ya
Waseda Business School, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan
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Published in: 10th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organiqatinal Development. Our Dreams of Excellence; 18-20 June; 2007 in Helsingborg; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 26:137, p.
Published: 2008-02-15
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
From the view points of Management of Technology (MOT); the importance of management of new product development can be illustrated as follows: The production rule in 20th century manufacturing and fabrication industry is placed stress on “how to make”. The production rule in 21st century is stressed on “what to make.”
Attractive goods and products are most important for all divisions of a corporation. The management of new product development plays a central role in the corporation and is persuade from such multi-direct view as combined viewpoints between technological points and non-technological points (Technology + Non- technology).
The problem of manufacture industries in Japan is that high technological products can not result in high sold ones. This is not coming from technology itself but from management philosophy or methodology; therefore the education and research on management of technology (MOT) should be emphasized.
The management of new product development is to commit in all aspects of developing a new product and to make it sure that developed products should be successfully hit.
There are rules and sharable attributes among cases of hit product development.
The author tried to mine and build rules among successful attributes and features in project management after interviewing directly with product and project managers who succeeded in developing hit products and scrutinizing the gift; talent and ability required for developing hit products. The developing methodology of new products and hit products is proposed as “seven tools for product planning”. The tools are widely used and contributes in producing hit products in various fields.
On the other hand; the author recognized and understood through his long experience that products should not have their own functions and quality elements but also something such as design that moves; touches and impresses human Kansei (representative word of feeling; taste; emotion; etc.) and psychology. Nevertheless; up to the present; the author could not commit in building the theory and methodology to install such features and attributes in new products; even if he scrutinized and prepared them.
The author concluded that the customer experience can play a central role in a theory and method materializable to install something Kansei and psychological in a new product and found that the reasons of hit products and brand products cannot be explained by conventional marketing theory but the experiential marketing and customer experience management can do how to sell so well.
The following will be spent to describe how the philosophy of experiential marketing and customer experience management; which is manufacturing and fabrication that influencing on the Kansei connects with; have the relation with Management of Technology (MOT).