Denis S. Loubach
Department of Computer Systems, Aeronautics Institute of Technology – ITA, São José dos Campos, São Paulo/Brazil
Johnny Cardoso Marques
Department of Software and Information Systems, Aeronautics Institute of Technology – ITA, São José dos Campos, São Paulo/Brazil
Adilson Marques da Cunha
Department of Software and Information Systems, Aeronautics Institute of Technology – ITA, São José dos Campos, São Paulo/Brazil
Download article in: FT2019. Proceedings of the 10th Aerospace Technology Congress, October 8-9, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 162:18, p. 156-161
Published: 2019-10-23
ISBN: 978-91-7519-006-8
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The community related to the avionics systems domain tends to be conservative mainly due to the safety-critical requirements this kind of system has to comply with. With respect to the presented context, this paper addresses and discusses the next challenges of future avionics systems always considering the safety-critical aspects and the possibility of formal models of computation application together with domain-specific architectures. Runtime partial reconfiguration, for example, is one promising way to mitigate the increasing failure rate and thereby fulfill safety requirements. N-modular redundancy implementation with different hardware architectures is also analyzed considering reconfigurable computing.
domain-specific architectures, avionics systems, safety-critical systems, runtime reconfiguration, reconfigurable computing, formal models of computation