Conference article

US Navy Cryptanalytic Bombe - A Theory of Operation and Computer Simulation

Magnus Ekhall

Fredrik Hallenberg

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Published in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Historical Cryptology HistoCrypt 2018

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 149:19, p. 103-108

NEALT Proceedings Series 34:19, p. 103-108

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Published: 2018-06-13

ISBN: 978-91-7685-252-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper presents a computer simulation of the US Navy Turing bombe. The US Navy bombe, an improved version of the British Turing-Welchman bombe, was predominantly used to break German naval Enigma messages during World War II.By using simulations of a machine to break an example message it is shown how the US Navy Turing bombe could have been operated and how it would have looked when running.


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Frank Carter. 2008. The Turing Bombe. Report No. 4. Bletchley Park Trust, new edition. ISBN: 978-1-906723-03-3.

B. Jack Copeland, Jonathan P. Bowen, Mark Sprevak, and Robin Wilson. 2017. The Turing Guide. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-874782-6.

CryptoMuseum. 2017. Enigma M4 message. [Online; accessed 24-October-2017].

Joseph R. Desch. 1942. Memo of Present Plans for an Electro-Mechanical Analytical Machine. [Published online by Frode Weierud in 2000, accessed 16-September-2016].

Alan M. Turing. 1942. Visit to NCR. [Published online by Frode Weierud in 2000, accessed 16-September-2016].

Gordon Welchman. 2014. The Hut Six Story. M & M Baldwin, 6 edition. ISBN: 978-0-947712-34-1.

JenniferWilcox. 2006. Solving the Enigma: History of the Cryptoanalytic Bombe. Center for Cryptologic History, NSA.

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