Mats Werke
RISE IVF AB, Box 104, 431 22 Mölndal, Sweden
Mosharraf Hossain
KTH Industrial Production, Brinellvägen 68, 100 44 Stockholm
Daniel Semere
KTH Industrial Production, Brinellvägen 68, 100 44 Stockholm
Anders Wretland
GKN Aerospace AB, Flygmotorvägen 1, 461 81 Trollhättan, Sweden
Download article in: FT2019. Proceedings of the 10th Aerospace Technology Congress, October 8-9, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 162:25, p. 216-222
Published: 2019-10-23
ISBN: 978-91-7519-006-8
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
During machining the residual bulk stresses induced by previous process steps like forging and heat treatment will be released. This may cause undesirable geometric distortions of the final component and thereby high rejection rates and costs. This problem can be reduced by adjusting process– and design parameters. This paper presents a methodology for minimizing machining distortions. The methodology is based on a combination of procedures for prediction of machining distortions, using the Contour method and procedures for adjustment of machining distortions. Practical experiences are discussed and demonstrated using an aerospace component. The methodology should be executed in close cooperation between several actors in the value chain and best results may be achieved by combining several concepts for adjustment of machining distortions. Further research in conjunction with the Contour method, adaptive fixturing and toolpath adjustment is recommended.