Conference article

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Quality of Service in the Software Industry of Pakistan

Qurratulain Zahid
Elixir Technologies, Pakistan

Nasir Wasim
Elixir Technologies, Pakistan

Saiqa Raziq
Elixir Technologies, Pakistan

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Published in: 11th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organizational Development Attaining Sustainability From Organizational Excellence to SustainAble Excellence; 20-22 August; 2008 in Helsingborg; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 33:53, p. 641-650

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Published: 2008-12-09


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Most of the software organizational trainings are focused on improving the technical skills and rightly so. Contemporary training curriculum needs to encompass programs which are focused on improvement in interpersonal relationships classified as soft skills. The importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) becomes eminent when we consider the businesses which mainly depends upon knowledge workers; lets say; Software People. Since EI is important for recognizing one’s own feelings and those of others; for self motivation and for managing emotions in ourselves and in our relationships. The research has been conducted to see the link between organizational EI and their quality of service.

Purpose: Rationale behind the research is to underline the importance of Emotional Intelligence in software industry of Pakistan and how it can contribute positively towards organizations quality of service; which ultimately leads to organizational success. Unfortunately anything which is related to improving the social / interpersonal skills is given lowpriority and usually paid little attention. Management has to realize the fact that investing on developing soft skills and Emotional competencies among the employee’s would certainly give them strong financial gains in the longer run. Organization has to exhibit long term dedicated commitment in order to gain the constructive outcome from these trainings.

Research Methodology: EI related questionnaires targeting job related EI and general EI awareness were circulated in different organizations. Personal interviews to assess Knowledge; Awareness and Practices (KAP) were also conducted to evaluate the impact of EI on the Quality of Service.

Findings: This research has explored the following core areas:
I. EI has meaningful impact on the performance of Human Resource
II. Higher the level of awareness greater the performance
III. Increased EI correlates with profitability via Customer Satisfaction
IV. EI can inculcate quality that improves customer satisfaction Detailed findings can be found under the Analysis and Finding section.

Value of the paper: This research aims to add value by instilling the EI culture in software organization by proposing this model; improved EI culture; better the quality of service; greater the customer satisfaction.


Emotional Intelligence; Quality of service; Communication Gap; Motivation; Software Engineer; KAP


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