Conference article

Taking the Danish Speech Trainer from CALL to ICALL

Peter Juel Henrichsen
DanCAST - Danish Center for Applied Speech Technology, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

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Published in: Proceedings of the 4th workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning at NODALIDA 2015, Vilnius, 11th May, 2015

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 114:3, p. 11-20

NEALT Proceedings Series 26:3, p. 11-20

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Published: 2015-05-06

ISBN: 978-91-7519-036-5

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Talebob (Speech Bob) is a newly developed interactive CALL-tool for training Danish speech with special regard to the pronunciation of highly idiomatic phrases. Talebob is currently being tested in primary schools in Nuuk, Hafnarfjörður and Tórshavn (where Danish is taught as a L2). The purpose of the current paper is twofold. We first introduce Talebob in its publicly available version, commenting on its linguistic, technical, and didactic principles. Secondly, we present our current plans and goals for the next version of Talebob focusing on linguistic and educational perspectives. Taking Talebob II as a point of departure, we wish to invite a discussion of ICALL as a means of modernizing the L2 educational programmes in the Nordic area.


CALL; Natural language processing; Nordic area; Danish language; L2 learning; language learning; spoken language


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