Conference article

Incremental Spherical Linear Interpolation

Tony Barrera
Barrera Kristiansen AB

Anders Hast
Creative Media Lab, University of Gävle, Sweden

Ewert Bengtsson
Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University, Sweden

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Published in: The Annual SIGRAD Conference. Special Theme - Environmental Visualization

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 13:4, p. 7-10

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Published: 2004-11-24


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Animation is often done by setting up a sequence of key orientations; represented by quaternions. The in between orientations are obtained by spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) of the quaternions; which then can be used to rotate the objects. However; SLERP involves the computation of trigonometric functions; which are computationally expensive. Since it is often required that the angle between each quaternion should be the same; we propose that incremental SLERP is used instead. In this paper we demonstrate five different methods for incremental SLERP; whereof one is new; and their pros and cons are discussed.


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