Published: 2018-05-16
ISBN: 978-91-7685-273-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The Language Resource Switchboard is becoming a central pillar in the CLARIN infrastruc- ture as it helps researchers to connect resources with tools that can process them in one way or another. Languages resources can be found in different places, and ideally, the switchboard is available nearby. Resources located at users’ desktop computers can simply be uploaded to the switchboard, and resources found in CLARIN’s Virtual Language Observatory can simply be sent to the switchboard by a simple click. Until now, the switchboard was only indirectly accessible for resources stored in the cloud. Here, users had to download a resource from their cloud storage to their desktop device before uploading it again to the switchboard to find applicable tools, which is tedious. In this paper, we describe how we linked EUDAT’s B2DROP cloud service to the switchboard, giving users the capability to directly launch the switchboard with a resource from their B2DROP account. Also, we describe the usage of B2DROP to support the switchboard’s back-end for intermediate file storage. The reported work makes a link to another infrastructure, and hence, facilitates and promotes the provision of complementary services to CLARIN members. We believe the cooperation between CLARIN and EUDAT to be of mutual benefit. On the one hand, our bridge makes the use of the generic cloud storage service from EUDAT more attractive to CLARIN members so that they are encouraged to use B2DROP rather than another cloud provider. On the other hand, it encourages EUDAT users to try out and profit from the CLARIN tool space, which in turn will challenge the tool providers to cope with an increased demand, and potentially new user requirements.
Cloud-based access to the Language Resource Switchboard
CLARIN infrastructure
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