Karin Schön
Luleå University of Technology/ Quality and Environmental Management, Sweden
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Published in: 10th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organiqatinal Development. Our Dreams of Excellence; 18-20 June; 2007 in Helsingborg; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 26:40, p.
Published: 2008-02-15
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Six Sigma is an improvement methodology; developed by Motorola in the 1980s; whose benefits and financial results are well documented in many areas; see e.g. Kwak and Anbari (2006). Despite the massive amount of Six Sigma literature; its impact on employees is an almost completely neglected area. Six Sigma consists of both process and people aspects (McAdam and Lafferty; 2004); but; up until today; only few studies; focused on understanding the human factor; have been completed (Nonthaleerak et al.; 2006).
With a better understanding of how Six Sigma affects the different groups of employees of an organization; a better and more precise concern can be taken in the deployment process. This in turn can lead to more satisfied employees and a higher probability of a successful initiative. Thus; the purpose of this study is to explore how Six Sigma influences work satisfaction among employees.
Six Sigma; Quality Management; Work Satisfaction; Job satisfaction; Survey; Sweden