Published: 2007-11-27
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Production of experiments – in art and physics - aim to expand the capacity of the body by transforming the scale as well as the perspective of the observer as producer of the experiment. Organization of “professional bodies” produces the space in which this relation in time can be performed in public.
The question “what can a body do? locates production of knowledge and meaning in an experimentation with the body.
The study concerns three “productions of context” - in a public place; a research site and an interior public university site
- a 42 meters high swing in a bridge in the harbour of Gothenburg. (“Can Gravitation be Cancelled?”)
- The Atlas detector under construction at CERN; particle physics laboratory; Geneva
- “Myon Spin”; performance with dancers and myon detectors at KTH; Stockholm.
The machines at CERN; the swing and the myon detectors serve as “expanded bodies” in repetitive experiments through bodies “acting physics”.
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Lund; Gun ’Myonspin’ (koreografi i Fysikens rum/Acting Physics; Lindstedts väg 30; KTH; Stockholm 1999)
Samuelsson; Muon Song; (tonsatt verk för installationen Kosmisk strålning pågår/Muon; Gamla Gasverket; Värtahamnen; Kulturhuvudstad 98; Stockholm 1998 och Fysikens rum/Acting Physics; Lindstedts väg 30; KTH; Stockholm 1999)
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