Lia Susana d.C. Silva-Lopez
School of Science and Technology, Orebro University, Sweden
Lars Karlsson
School of Science and Technology, Orebro University, Sweden
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Published in: The 27th annual workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS); 14-15 May 2012; Örebro; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 71:6, p. 41-49
Published: 2012-05-14
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
In the context robotic ecologies; the Configuration Planning Problem (CPP) is concerned with ways to create a flow of information and a flow of causality between the members of an ecology and their environment; in such a way that a goal is satisfied. Ways to solve this type of CPP have been devised and we discuss some in this paper. However; most consider only the causal or information aspects of the members of an ecology; or rely on abstract actions and task hierarchies. A problem with considering only causal or information aspects; is that it complicates modelling situations when both occur and relate to each other. A problem with abstract actions and task hierarchies is that it can lead to incompleteness; and require effort and skill to write down. The goal of this paper is to discuss a way to interleave configuration planning with action planning; in which direct interconnections of either causal or information links; are used to solve the problem of building configurations of networked robotic systems. We show with examples how this approach works; discuss some future directions on where we want this work to get and more specifically in the context of the Giraff+ system.
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