Heli Uibo
University of Tartu, Estonia / UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Jack Rueter
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Sulev Iva
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
V˜oro Institute
Download articlePublished in: Proceedings of the Joint 6th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning and 2nd Workshop on NLP for Research on Language Acquisition at NoDaLiDa, Gothenburg, 22nd May 2017
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 134:7, p. 61-67
NEALT Proceedings Series 30:7, p. 61-67
Published: 2017-05-11
ISBN: 978-91-7685-502-7
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
We will demonstrate Voro Oahpa (http://oahpa.no/voro), a set of language learning programs for Voro, a minority language in Estonia. When setting up and developing the system, we have made use of the infrastructure developed at the Saami language technology centre Giellatekno, UiT the Arctic University of Norway and the V˜oro language resources and tools – the online electronic dictionary synaq.org that also includes pronunciations; Voro speech synthesis; the morphological finite state transducer that is being developed as a part of the same project and a multilingual word list from North Saami Oahpa. Voro Oahpa consists of four language learning programs: Leksa – a vocabulary quiz,
Numra – a program for practicing numerals and time expressions, Morfa-S – morphology drill and Morfa-C – morphology exercises formulated as question-answer pairs. The development is still in progress but the programs have already used within the Voro language course at the University of Tartu. We discuss the issues specific for Voro and show how combining the existing infrastructure, resources and experiences can make the development of a learning system for a language with limited resources easier and give extra values to the system.
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