Andreas Abel
ITI GmbH, Dresden, Germa
Torsten Blochwitz
ITI GmbH, Dresden, Germa
Alexander Eichberger
SIMPACK AG, Gilching, Germany
Peter Hamann
Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Germany
Udo Rein
Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Germany
Download article in: Proceedings of the 9th International MODELICA Conference; September 3-5; 2012; Munich; Germany
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 76:79, p. 775-780
Published: 2012-11-19
ISBN: 978-91-7519-826-2
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Mechatronic gearshift simulation of automated transmissions in commercial vehicles is used for optimization and development in today’s truck engineering departments at Daimler. Within the ITEA2 project Modelisar in cooperation with ITI GmbH and SIMPACK AG this application served as a usecase for proof of concept of the newly developed Functional Mock-Up interfaces (FMI). This paper presents the results of this usecase. Utilizing these standardized interfaces; models from different tools are coupled to build up the overall system for the mechatronic gearshift simulation. The coupling via FMI for Model Exchange was achieved for control modules from MATLAB/Simulink into the SimulationX powertrain model and secondly for the 1D-multiphysics powertrain from SimulationX into the multibody vehicle in SIMPACK. Furthermore FMI for Co-Simulation was investigated in a pure SimulationX framework for the powertrain model. Very promising results have been achieved for modeling as well as for simulation processes and the FMI technology has clearly shown its capability to be applied in the productive simulation process.
FMI; Modelisar; multibody system; automated shifting; mechatronics; co-simulation; model exchange
[1] A. Abel (ITI GmbH); P. Hamann; U. Rein (Daimler AG) Modelisar: sWP303 Mechatronic shifting simulation; Milestone report: Documentation of specification and simulation environment; ITEA2 Modelisar internal paper; 2009
[2] A. Abel (ITI GmbH); P. Hamann; U. Rein (Daimler AG) Modelisar: sWP303 Mechatronic shifting simulation; Milestone report: Results prototype 1; ITEA2 Modelisar internal paper; 2010
[3] A. Abel; T. Blochwitz (ITI GmbH); M. Friedrich; J. Zeman (SIMPACK AG); P. Hamann; U. Rein (Daimler AG) Modelisar: sWP303 Mechatronic shifting simulation; Milestone report: Results for FMI prototype; ITEA2 Modelisar internal paper; 2011
[4] T. Blochwitz; T. Neidhold (ITI GmbH); M. Otter (DLR); M. Arnold (University of Halle); C. Bausch; M. Monteiro (Atego Systems GmbH); C. Claus; S. Wolf (Fraunhofer IIS; EAS); H. Elmqvist; H. Olsson (Dassault Systemes); A. Junghanns; J. Mauss (QTronic GmbH); D. Neumerkel (Daimler AG); J. Peetz (Fraunhofer SCAI): The Functional Mock-Up Interface; Modelica Confererence 2011; Dresden
[5] FMI-Homepage including FMI specifications