Conference article

Surface Construction with Near Least Square Acceleration based on Vertex Normals on Triangular Meshes

Tony Barrera
Cycore AB, Sweden

Anders Hast
Creative Media Lab, University of Gävle, Sweden

Ewert Bengtsson
Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University, Sweden

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Published in: Special Effects and Rendering. Proceedings from SIGRAD 2002; Linköpings universitet; Norrköping; Sweden; November 28th and 29th; 2002

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 7:8, p. 43-48

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Published: 2002-11-28


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Shading makes faceted objects appear smooth. However; the contour will still appear non smooth. Subdivision schemes can handle this problem by introducing new polygons in the mesh. The disadvantage is that a more complex mesh takes more time to render than a simple one. We propose a new method for constructing a curvilinear mesh using quadratic curves with near least square acceleration. This mesh could be used for subsequent subdivision of the surface. This can be done on the fly; at least in software rendering; depending on the curvature of the contour. The advantage is that new polygons are only inserted where needed. However; in this paper we will focus on how such curvilinear mesh can be constructed using vertex points and vertex normals for each polygon. Thus; information about neighboring polygons are not needed and on the fly subdivision is made easier.


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