Victoria Sanz
Dpto. Informática y Automática, ETSII Informática, UNED, Spain
Alfonso Urquia
Dpto. Informática y Automática, ETSII Informática, UNED, Spain
Sebastian Dormido
Dpto. Informática y Automática, ETSII Informática, UNED, Spain
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Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 29:9, p. 83-93
Published: 2008-07-02
ISBN: 978-91-7519-823-1
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
The work performed by the authors to provide to Modelica more discrete-event system modeling functionalities is presented. These functionalities include the replication of the modeling capacities found in the Arena environment; the SIMAN language and the DEVS formalism. The implementation of these new functionalities is included in three freeModelica libraries called ARENALib; SIMANLib and DEVSLib. These libraries also include capacities for random number and variates generation; and dynamicmemory management. They are freely available for download at
As observed in the work performed; discrete-event system modelingwithModelica using the process-oriented approach is difficult and complex. The convenience to include a new concept in theModelica language has been observed and is discussed in this contribution. This new concept corresponds to themodel communicationmechanismusing messages. Messages help to describe the communication between components in a discrete-event system. They do not substitute the current discrete-event modeling capabilities of Modelica; but extend them. The proposed messages mechanism in Modelica is discussed in the manuscript. An implementation of the messages mechanism is also proposed.
Discrete events; process-oriented modeling; Modelica; Arena; SIMAN; DEVS; messages
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