Conference article

En möjlig inriktning på grundskolans teknikundervisning

Eva Blomdahl
Department of Curriculum Studies and Communication, Stockholm Institute of Education, Sweden

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Published in: Forskningskonferens i teknikdidaktik : Styrdokument och klassrumsverklighet i skolans teknikundervisning

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 17:2, p.

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Published: 2006-09-04


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


This paper presents an attempt to articulate a philosophy of education with respect to technology. Bearing in mind Heidegger’s ideas on the essence of technology and Dewey’s philosophy of education; a notion of technology education as “technology re-presentation” is introduced. The stages: Formulating the assignment; Analysis; Construction/Visualization; Reflection/Evaluation as a process designed to generate knowledge by combining theory and practice. Technology re-presentation is based on the place e.g. the world of the pupils; their surroundings and background. The term "Place" takes a central role in technology education; in respect to the pupils actual situation and in the more limited meaning of technical systems and artifacts as subjects of study as well as study tours.

Thus I have developed a perspective on technology education based on the curriculum for technology combined with ideas from the philosophy of Heidegger and Dewey. The concepts; a model and a practical example with technology re-presentation are presented together to help the teacher work in accordance with how the overall purpose of technology as a school subject is stated in the curriculum for technology. A second aim is to contribute to a discussion of the content and practise of teaching technology.


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