Conference article

Integration of service principles into the creative process of PSS: Application in an organizational case

Emanuela Lima Silveira
Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Aguinaldo dos Santos
Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

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Published in: ServDes.2020 Tensions, Paradoxes and Plurality Conference Proceedings, 2-5th February 2021, Melbourne, Australia

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 63:24, p. 224-234

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Published: 2020-12-22

ISBN: 978-91-7929-779-4

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


The process of creating Product+Service Systems (PSSs) can be considered complex as it involves tangible products, typically qualitative and intangible services, integrated into a multi-actor system and variable touch points. In this regard, there is still a lack of methods and tools that adequately support the PSS’s creative process. Given this context, a theoretical survey about PSS and Service Design creativity complexity was conducted, highlighting the heuristic principles considered relevant to enhance the creativity process. Then, a case study explored the integration of heuristic principles from the Servqual scale, into the creative process of a PSS in a Brazilian multinational company. This article intended to contribute to the theme’s theoretical and practical basis, stressing the emphases and gaps in the use of heuristics for the design of PSSs in the organizational context.


product-service system, service design, creative process, heuristic methods, servqual scale


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