Conference article

Enhanced Renewable Energy Adoption for Sustainable Development in India: Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach

Vimal Kumar Eswarlal
Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Prasanta Kumar Dey
Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Ravi Shankar
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

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Published in: World Renewable Energy Congress - Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 57:47, p. 351-358

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Published: 2011-11-03

ISBN: 978-91-7393-070-3

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Poverty alleviation and social upliftment of rural India is closely linked with the availability and use of energy for development. At the same time; sustainable supply of clean and affordable renewable energy sources is required if development is to be sustainable; so that it does not cause any environmental problems. The purpose of this paper is to determine the key variables of renewable energy implementation for sustainable development; on which the top management should focus. In this paper; an interpretive structural modeling (ISM) - based approach has been employed to model the implementation variables of renewable energy for sustainable development. These variables have been categorized under ‘enablers’ that help to increase the implementation of renewable energy for sustainable development. A major finding of this research is that public awareness regarding renewable energy for sustainable development is a very significant enabler. In this paper; an interpretation of variables of renewable energy for sustainable development in terms of their driving and dependence powers has been examined. For better results; top management should focus on improving the highdriving power enablers such as leadership; strategic planning; public awareness; top management support; availability of finance; government support; and support from interest groups.


Sustainable development; Renewable energy; Performance measures; Interpretive structural model; India


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