Conference article

Uses and Interactions: Barcelona’s Metro

Claudia Contreras
University of Barcelona, Spain

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Published in: Current Issues in European Cultural Studies; June 15-17; Norrköping; Sweden 2011

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 62:59, p. 555-561

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Published: 2011-11-22

ISBN: 978-91-7519-993-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Ecology of the Metro implies recognition of two interventions; on one hand; contributions in terms of configuring space; management of stations and facilities; on the other; participation of those who transit and through use transform but are also transformed. The user-space interaction emerges as shaper and recipient of environments. Beyond its structures and functioning as part of the city; the Metro operates as a framework of representation; which responds to historic; economic; political and social dimensions. From a situated and interactionist perspective; this paper focuses on these interconnected aspects that result in the performance of the actors; as well as; the performance of the actors as a trigger for these processes. This is part of ethnographic work done in Barcelona’s Metro; through micro-study it attends to the relationship between social actors and space from which it underlines aspects of mobility; control; interaction and production of environments.


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