Published: 2014-08-21
ISBN: 978-91-7519-289-5
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
There is abundant literature detailing the decline in biodiversity; the loss of wild places and habitats; and a changing climate with all the attending affects to the health and sustainability of the planet and human populations worldwide. While continued monitoring of the health of our planet is necessary; along with literature conveying the scope of the problem; there is a greater need now for solutions that motivate individuals and communities to respond willfully and optimistically to confronting the staggering challenges raised by global climate change. All too often the response to dire predictions of endangered natural resources; climatic disruption; and ecosystem collapse is a kind of shock-induced paralysis. The problem we face is not that people are unaware of; or unconcerned about the threats posed by climate change (although certainly there are such people); but rather that it is difficult to make the lifestyle changes that are needed to ensure a healthy and secure planet for future generations. This paper brings interdisciplinary literature on the problem of moral motivation to bear on the issue of motivating people to make the transition from simply knowing about climate change to consciously adopting habits and making choices that can facilitate more sustainable lifestyles.
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