Conference article

Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Simulation in Modelica

François E. Cellier
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Victorino Sanz
UNED Madrid, Spain

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Published in: Proceedings of the 7th International Modelica Conference; Como; Italy; 20-22 September 2009

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 43:10, p. 86-95

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Published: 2009-12-29

ISBN: 978-91-7393-513-5

ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


This article introduces a new Modelica library; FIRlib; developed for the mixed quantitative and qualitative simulation of physical systems. Qualitative submodels are built using the Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning (FIR) paradigm.

Whereas Modelica has been designed for modeling physical systems from first principles; some systems do not lend themselves to this kind of modeling; either because they are too poorly understood (no meta-knowledge is available yet) or because they are so complex that capturing their behavior in a detailed fashion would be a hopeless undertaking.

Use of the new library is demonstrated by means of two examples; a simple hydraulic control system (a textbook example) and a model of the human cardiovascular system.


fuzzy inductive reasoning; inductive modeling; qualitative modeling; mixed quantitative and qualitative simulation; cardiovascular system


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