LiU Subject Classifier 2025 BETA

NOTE! This is a BETA service for searching subjects in the new standard that applies to research published from 1 January 2025. Go to LiU Subject Classifier 2011 to search for subjects in the 2011 standard.

UKÄ and Statistics Sweden (SCB) have published a revised standard for the Swedish classification of research topics that will apply to publications published from 2025 onwards. Since there is no data yet available for the new topics, we have developed a service that is based on data from the 2011 standard and on the conversion key published by UKÄ. The service identifies relevant subject categories based on an automated text analysis of abstracts and/or ISSNs.

The research is classified on three levels. Level 1 and 2 (research subject area and research subject group) are based on the OECD subject classes "Fields of Research and Development". Level 3 is developed by UKÄ and Statistics Sweden read more here (Swedish).

More information

News in 2025 version

The changes in the new standard are shown in the results list. If the name of a subject has changed, the old one will dbe displayed as strikethrough text. If you click on a subject name, the entire subject tree will appear and a comment on the changes compared to the 2011 version. If you get a category at level 3 where new subjects have been added, you will also get a list of them. Due to that you can get hits on subjects within the same subject group, the lists of new subjects can appear several times in the result. See information about and the new revision including the conversion key at UKÄ (in Swedish) Reviderad standard för svensk indelning i forskning


To find a subject area for a publication, copy the abstract into the appropriate box. If the publication is published in a journal, give the ISSN (either of print or electronic, in format 4 digits a "-" and 4 more digits). The ISSN helps to focus the choice of subject areas to those most relevant to the publication.

Language options

When you paste an abstract into the box below, an attempt will be made to automatically identify the language; you can change the suggestion if you wish. Note that while there are some 250 000 data points to create the subject area definitions in English, there are "only" 25 000 for Swedish.

Presentation of results

In result you will get two sections. The first (based on supplied ISSN) results from a comparison of the given abstract against subject areas relevant for a given journal; the second results from comparing the given abstract against all 255 subject areas. The former tends to give more reliable results, but in cases where an ISSN is missing or where we have no information about it, the latter is the only choice.

Up to five subject areas are listed for both of the scenarios above. The "score" is a measure how well the subject area matches with the submitted abstract. The higher the number the better.

If you leave the abstract field empty and enter an ISSN then you will see all the subject areas that are connected with the given journal.

Results as XML

The API is not implemented for this version. Please use LiU Subject Classifier 2011

Let us know what you think

Any feedback is welcome: We are particularly interested in cases where the match against all subject areas gave a better fit than against a journal's limited list. If you send me the subject area that seemed best and ISSN, we can add it to a list of subject areas associated with the journal.


Some tips:

  1. When you classify a publication, you can use one or more suitable subjects (preferably at level 3) to describe the publication's content.
  2. If you use more than one subject, list them in order of priority and do not choose subjects within more than 3 different subject groups (level 2).
  3. Interdisciplinary research is classified within the subject or subjects that mainly describes the content of the publication. Within Humanities the subject 60504 “Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Arts” can be used.
  4. If no suitable subject is found, as a last resort you can use the subjects begin with Other.... These are found in most subject groups and have codes ending with "99". For example, 20599 Other Materials Engineering within the subject group 205 Materials Engineering.