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Godhögen Locks
< Westwards | Godhögen Locks | Riksberg Locks and Bridge | Hajstorp Locks and Bridge | Töreboda Bridges | Rotkilen Bridge | Eastwards >

riksberg-godhogen250.jpg (7745 bytes)Telford's map from 1808 of the Godhögen Locks and the surrounding farming landscape. One can see Riksberg Lock on the right side of the map.

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Other maps of the area:
turist_rotkilen-godhogen.jpg (147763 bytes) General map of the stretch of canal between Godhögen and Rotkilen

(AB Göta kanal Tourist Map: Western Section, 1995).

Blue line = Gothenburg - Stockholm route of the Göta Canal used by the firm of shipowners Rederi AB Göta kanal.

Red line = bicycle path.