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Riksberg Locks and Bridge 
< Westwards | Godhögen Locks | Riksberg Locks and Bridge | Hajstorp Locks and Bridge | Töreboda Bridges | Rotkilen Bridge | Eastwards >

riksberg-hajstorp250.jpg (13303 bytes)Section of Elias Schveder's general map from 1784. This map shows the newly proposed stretch of the canal in relation to the older proposal, which was 10 years older. Riksberg (Rixberg) is marked faintly in pencil, in connection with an oval-shaped drumlin.

Riksberg and its elevated buildings can be seen clearer on Daniel Thunberg's map from 1874. The new stretch of canal is marked with a line. The village of Slättebergs By is also drawn on the map.

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Other maps of the area:
thbg_I9_riksberg.jpg (66468 bytes) Tydligare syns Riks­berg med sin höjd­bebyggelse på Daniel Thunbergs karta från 1874. Den nya kanal­sträckningen är streck­markerad.
På kartan syns också Slätte­bergs by.
telf_III4_1808_riksberg-god.jpg (59605 bytes) Telford's map from 1808 that shows the location of the Riksberg Locks and the Godhögen Locks. Of particular interest on the map is the straight boundary line that has limited the building development of the village Riksbergs By. The Riksberg Lock, which took an unusually short time to build (only two building seasons), was ready for use in 1820.
telf_III5_1808_hajstorp-rik.jpg (86509 bytes) Telford's map from 1808 of Riksberg Locks and the lower locks at Hajstorp.
riksberg_godhogen_jordbrukslandskap.jpg (15477 bytes) View over the surrounding farming landscape between Riksberg and Godhögen.
Photo: Reinhold Castensson, 1999
turist_rotkilen-godhogen.jpg (147763 bytes) General map of the stretch of canal between Godhögen and Rotkilen.

(AB Göta kanal Tourist Map: Western Section, 1995).

Blue line = Gothenburg - Stockholm route of the Göta Canal used by the firm of shipowners Rederi AB Göta kanal.

Red line = bicycle path.