Göta- och Trollhätte Canals’ Bibliographical Database

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Baltzar von Platen
Baltzar von Platen

The Göta and Trollhätte canals’ bibliogaphical database contains publications from scientific and general journals, literature, chapters in books, travel descriptions, investigations, reflections, governmental reports, newspaper articles and some 50 map references. Common in all of the above is that they all relate in some way to Göta or Trollhätte canal (although references to Göta canal dominate).

The original material has been taken from Christina Brages work, Några av Sveriges kanaler i litteraturen. Svenskt och internationellt (Bibliografi) (Several of Swedens Canals i literature, Swedish and International), published in 2001 in the series Göta Canal – Research from Linköping University.

Apart from Swedish work, the database contains references from most European languages (with English as the most common).

This database is not meant to be exhaustive but it does cover a very large fraction of the Swedish material about these two canals.

Chain of locks at Bergs Slussar, Östergötland
Chain of locks at
Bergs Slussar, Östergötland

The Database will be filled with older material which to date has not been registered and new material which has yet to be written.

All publications are reproduced as original, including spelling mistakes and old-Swedish spellings.
Creation of this database has be done with the help of literature searches using the internet, printed sources and reference lists.

Arkivdata in Norrköping, Sweden, registered all the material in the database and LiU was responsible for data quality. The database contains 11 837 records and covers the period 1516-2000.

For more information see Göta kanal – en linje genom historien (Göta Canal – a line through history) which is published on the internet with facts about the canal, maps, pictures and links.

The database contains information about::
  • Publication type (Map, Monograph, Newspaper article, Journal)
  • Author (if given)
  • Publication title (journal title, book title, etc.)
  • Number of pages
  • City of publication
  • Printing year
  • Series
  • Volume
  • Number
  • Date
  • Notes

Referencing the Database

Göta- och Trollhätte kanals bibliografiska databas, Linköping University Electronic Press, https://doi.org/10.3384/db.gotakanal

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