C. Durugbo
School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
W. Hutabarat
School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
A. Tiwari
School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
J.R. Alcock
School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd CIRP IPS2 Conference 2010; 14-15 April; Linköping; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 77:16, p. 125-132
Published: 2012-10-11
ISBN: 978-91-7393-381-0
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
In this paper; the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) is introduced as a technique for the design of a product-service system (PSS). In examples of the requirements diagram in SysML; this paper shows that: (1) a PSS can be analysed by the SysML technique; and (2) the SysML can model the requirements of a PSS in orientations according to product; use or result. Recommendations based on the example will then be used to suggest improvements in the design of a PSS.
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