Published: 2014-06-11
ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Similar to many developed countries; Taiwan has its problem of ageing populations also. According to statistics released by the Taiwan government; the population that aged 65 or more has reached 11.3% in Taiwan by the end of June 2013. This figure has far exceeded the threshold of being an ageing society; which is 7% according to the UN. In addition; the average retirement age in Taiwan has also dropped to 57.1 in 2011. These retiring elders who currently aged 49 to 67 are “Baby Boomers”. People of this age group were much better educated and wealthier than their previous generations. In order to distinguish them from their previous generations; they were defined as “New Young-Olds” in this research. For the purpose of facilitating a smoother transformation into retirement life for the New Young-Olds; this study initiated an exploration on their attitudes and needs towards electronic pets. It is hope that new possibilities for a happier retirement of the New Young-Olds and new opportunities for the electronic industry in Taiwan might be found here. Therefore; a questionnaire survey was conducted during August to September in 2013; with 396 valid respondents; the survey result showed that the respondents can accept electronic pets much better than their previous generation. Further explorations for the specific needs of the New Young-Olds towards electronic pets were also done to find out suggestions of product development strategies for the electronic industry in Taiwan.
ageing society; Baby Boomers; New Young-Olds; electronic pets; happier retirement.
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