Conference article

Designing gestures for affective input: an analysis of shape; effort and valence

Petra Fagerberg
Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden

Anna Ståhl
Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden

Kristina Höök
Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden

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Published in: MUM 2003. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 11:11, p. 57-65

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Published: 2003-12-10


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


We discuss a user-centered approach to incorporating affective expressions in interactive applications; and argue for a design that addresses both body and mind. In particular; we have studied the problem of finding a set of affective gestures. Based on previous work in movement analysis and emotion theory [Davies; Laban and Lawrence; Russell]; and a study of an actor expressing emotional states in body movements; we have identified three underlying dimensions of movements and emotions: shape; effort and valence. From these dimensions we have created a new affective interaction model; which we name the affective gestural plane model. We applied this model to the design of gestural affective input to a mobile service for affective messages.


Affective interaction; gestures; user-centered design; mobile service


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