Conference article

Effects of Increased Physical activity and Motor training on Motor skills; Attention and Learning

Ingegerd Ericsson
Department of Sport Sciences, School of Teacher Education, Malmö University, Sweden

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Published in: The 13th International Conference on Thinking Norrköping; Sweden June 17-21; 2007

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 21:7, p. 51-57

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Published: 2007-07-20


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Effects of an extension of Physical Education and extra motor training were studied in a Swedish compulsory school (n=251). The study was hypothetic-deductive and had three hypotheses: 1. Children’s motor skills; 2. attention and 3. academic achievements in Swedish and Mathematics will improve with extended physical activity and extra motor training in school. Results showed positive effects on motor skills; attention and academic achievements in Swedish and Mathematics.


Balance; cognition; coordination; physical education; cognition; screening.


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