Conference article

The Exhibition as a Multimodal Pedagogical Text

Eva Insulander
Stockholm Institute of Education, DidaktikDesign, Sweden

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Published in: NaMu; Making National Museums Program; Setting the Frames; 26-28 February; Norrköping; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 22:11, p. 127–135

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Published: 2007-09-19


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


In recent years; museum professionals; visitors and politicians have directed their interest towards the museum as a new arena for communication and learning. In this article; I explore the museum as an educational site from a multimodal and social semiotic approach. This approach implies a view of communication and learning as a social process of sign-making; where the meaning of a message is realised across several resources or modes of communication. As an example; I study the characteristics and the design of an archaeological exhibition at the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm; Sweden. The exhibition is described and explored as a multimodal pedagogical text. In my ’reading’ of the text; I examine how the design encourages a specific reading path and how it creates coherence through ’framing’ and through the use of colour. I examine how meaning is made through objects; text; image and sound.


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