Conference article

Method Integration to enhance the Quality Capability of the Product Development Process

Sebastian Schlund
University of Wuppertal, Faculty Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Safety Engineering, Germany

Stefan Ott
University of Wuppertal, Faculty Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Safety Engineering, Germany

Petra Winzer
University of Wuppertal, Faculty Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Safety Engineering, Germany

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Published in: 10th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organiqatinal Development. Our Dreams of Excellence; 18-20 June; 2007 in Helsingborg; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 26:119, p.

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Published: 2008-02-15


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


In order to achieve quality goals; adequate methods have to be used during all phases of the product life cycle. In particular preventive quality engineering methods play a decisive role for product quality and product costs; which are widely determined in the early stages of the product development process (cf. VDI 1994; p.5). To enhance the quality capability of the product development process; various process models and guidelines have been developed (cf. Moehringer; 2005). They rely on a large multitude of methods and techniques and are all aiming at one common goal: preventing faults - preferably in the early stages of the development process.

Despite all these efforts the number of breakdowns and factory recalls does not seem to diminish (cf. KBA; 2006). Obviously risk potential remains; which is not or only partially addressed by the conventional; mostly isolated; application of these methods. By integrating different methods; advantages of several complementary approaches are combined in order to identify faults and their potential causes more effectively (cf. DIN; 2005; p.11). Work in this field has already been done combining methods such as QFD and FMEA (Sesma Vitrian; 2004) or FMEA and FTA (DIN; 2004; p.8). Thus the contribution to the quality capability of a product is more than the sum of the outputs of separately used techniques. To show the potential of this method integration a conjoint use of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and the DeCoDe method of Demand Compliant Design will be discussed.


Fault Tree Analysis; Demand Compliant Design (DeCoDe); Systems Engineering; Method Combination; Method Integration


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