Amin Beidokhti
Department of management, Semnan university, Republic Islamic of Iran
A. H. Rezai
Department of business administration, Semnan university, Republic Islamic of Iran
M. A. Saboorynia
Graduated in M. A degree, Semnan university, Republic Islamic of Iran
Mohammad Abdolshah
Azad university of semnan, Republic Islamic of Iran
Download articlePublished in: 11th QMOD Conference. Quality Management and Organizational Development Attaining Sustainability From Organizational Excellence to SustainAble Excellence; 20-22 August; 2008 in Helsingborg; Sweden
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 33:50, p. 599-611
Published: 2008-12-09
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)
Purpose: Previous researches in service quality and customer satisfaction in retail banking because of their partial viewpoint have only partial applications. Fact is that; managers in the process of decision making need comprehensive information about customers. Decisions made with partial information have a little reliability. This study attempts to debate about service quality and customer satisfaction in comprehensive way.
Design/methodology/approach: The sample of the study consists of Iran’s Melli bank customers located in Tehran; the capital of Iran. The questionnaire was based on hysteresis model’s variables (Attractiveness; zone of tolerance) and effect. Psychometric properties of the scale (such as reliability) were tested.
Findings: The hysteresis model presented here and the results of the study reveal the integrity of staff; security of account information and accuracy in operations as the most important factors in retail banking.
Research limitations/implications: First the sample of the study is small and is limited to the Melli bank customers. Second; the number of factors which were investigated are low.
Originality/value: It has not been conducted any empirical research using hysteresis model to see whether it replicates previous researches. This study is necessary; useful and relevant because; it focuses on the service quality and the study explores service quality in a comprehensive way (hysteresis model).
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