Conference article

Mastery of Everyday Life in Families

Marja Saarilahti
Department of Home Economics and Craft Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland

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Published in: Proceedings of the Sustaining Everyday Life Conference

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 38:27, p. 153-169

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Published: 2010-11-05


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


This article introduces the theoretical model of the mastery of everyday life in the household and family context. The model created by Liisa Haverinen uses three dimensions and three levels to describe the development and the content of mastery. The common good of the family and care for others are crucial objectives for mastering everyday life. However; not all families and individuals lead a balanced and functional everyday life. Many difficulties with one’s duties may arise; and one problem may follow another. A drifting everyday life might lead the family towards the threat of exclusion; which necessitates case support from the community and other outside quarters. This article presents the “one family work method”; which aims to help and support the family so that they can cope interdependently without continuing help. This method also takes account some perspectives that are not accounted for by the traditional view of the mastery of everyday life in order to show the complexity and multidimensionality of daily life in families.


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