Conference article

Mobility and Everyday Life

Randi J. Hjorthol
Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo, Norway

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Published in: Proceedings of the Sustaining Everyday Life Conference

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 38:5, p. 31-44

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Published: 2010-11-05


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Modern society is characterized by speed; a hectic pace of life and mobility. Travelling is an important part of it; and being on the move gives the impression of being both effective and active in everyday life. Mobility embedded in everyday life makes it necessary to have a good understanding of the social processes creating and maintaining the social context and especially the framework of the daily lives of children conditioning the choice of transport mode. This article deals with the characteristics; social processes and trends contributing to our understanding mobility in daily life; while concentrating on aspects of importance in the organization of everyday life in families with children. While there are several societal trends contributing to increased use of the car in the mobility of children; there is at the same time a decline in children’s independent mobility; i.e. walking and cycling. Individualization and organized leisure activities for children; perception of time and time pressure; access to and habituation of car-use; interplay between transport and information and communication technology are all discussed and illustrated with empirical examples.


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