Conference article

Participatory Design as a Prerequisite for Safer Living Environments for the Elderly

Valentina Santi
Dept. of Architecture, Venice University, Italy

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Published in: Proceedings of the Sustaining Everyday Life Conference

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 38:7, p. 59-72

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Published: 2010-11-05


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


The steady increase in the number of elderly people in Italy and difficulties encountered in the management of the social and health services have led to such increased use of the Home Care Service that more specialised care is required.

This highlights the fact that many houses are not equipped to ensure either the safety or the wellbeing of older residents; since they have not been adapted to cater for the changes brought about by old age. A study made in Florence looked at modifications made to the houses of elderly people suffering from the first stages of Alzheimers disease. The aim of the study was to provide tools that the elderly themselves or family members could utilise to check the adequacy of their living environments; and to make changes with or without the support of an architect. A methodology was developed for managing the participation of users (in this case the elderly residents; families; visitors; and caregivers) in the remodelling process of the housing. The study was conducted through interviews; questionnaires and focus groups. Positive aspects of the participatory process are explained; as well as the difficulties encountered.


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